Saturday 30 September 2017

In Praise of... Podcasts

So today is apparently International Podcast Day. Yes, there is now even a day for that it would seem.

But I love podcasts, as anyone who has listened to me for more than 30 seconds may know. As a teacher, they really help me to do my marking; it turns out I can't mark in silence, and get easily bored with radio and music in the car, so these gems have been helping me to get through some of the tedium.

Here is what keeps me going:

FiveThirtyEight Politics

In 2012, I remember using this website to try and stay calm as Obama's re-election looked to be on the rocks. Got last year less wrong than other political analysts. Amazing how something as dry as sample sizes can be made into something really interesting.

BBC Friday Night Comedy

Not always good, not always finished. But often making me absolutely crack up.

In Our Time

Bringing expert views on an overwhelming range of historical, literary and philosophical topics to a wider audience since 1998.

The Documentary

A selection from the BBC World Service's documentaries that week. Can be easy to get bogged down, but some real gems about topics you'd never even considered thinking about.

History Extra

The BBC history magazine's podcast. Interviews with historians are well worth listening to, and goes into far more depth than the magazine seems to.

The History Hour

Using the BBC archives to compile a 'This week in history' feature. Some excellent coverage of events from around the world.


Hard thinking about the major problems of the 21st century.

The New Statesman Podcast

It is nice to know that, in a world in which everything I believe is seemingly under siege, that I am not alone.

The National Archives Podcast Series

Fascinating insights into the treasure trove of documents that the UK government has been amassing since the Norman Conquest.

The Folklore Podcast

We may pretend to ourselves that we are modern, sophisticated people with no fears and worries about that which we don't understand. But who are we kidding? Everyone is fascinated, and not to mention slightly afraid, of the things that exist on the edge of our explanation, and that go bump in the night.

Pod Save America

Four people who used to work for the Obama administration rip into the Trump presidency twice a week. It is as funny as you'd expect.

Slate's Whistlestop

Although only on number 45, the American presidency has already seen many ups, downs, highlights and lowlights. American political journalist John Dickerson is an expert guide through the years, and shows that Trump is only different in tone and style to those who have gone before him.

Diane: Entering the town of Twin Peaks

I've been watching Twin Peaks for a couple of months now, and it is really nice to have some people flesh out what on Earth they think I've just watched!



Over the next 18 months, the UK is going to attempt a geopolitical challenge that will dwarf anything we have done before, and likely anything we ever try again. Am mighty glad someone is around to explain it.

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