Thursday 17 November 2011

University Bureaucracy

So today I finally got round to sorting out our council tax exemptions (possibly prompted by the three magistrate's summons we got today...). As part of this, I needed a certificate from the university to send to the council. On the university website, when you click the button marked 'Exemption forms- City of York Council' you get a page telling you to go in and see the Student Info people.

Needless to say, this is when it got complicated...

Me: "Hi there, can I request and pickup a council tax form please?"

Lady behind the desk: "Have you not looked online?"

Me: "Well, I did, but all it did was tell me to come in and ask."

Lady behing the desk: "Ah yes, did you click on the link for 'Exemption forms- City of York Council'? We've actually put them under 'Exemption forms- Other Local Authorities'."


Let's not even go there...

Tuesday 8 November 2011

University Printers- The Scanning Option

Brilliant new idea from the University. They decided that they'd set the printers up so that you can scan a piece of paper, which it promptly emails to your university email address, for you to read as a PDF or print at your leisure. What a nice idea.

Until, of course, you have scanned two articles, only to get to the printer and be confronted with 54 PDFs, all with names like ypp.237w4987234698.pdf, with half the pages missing and in any sort of order, and some of them being things you're pretty sure you've never seen before, let alone scanned...

Well done University, it's another winner!

N.B. Its also apparently nigh on impossible to persuade the printer not to print duplex (double sided, apparently)...