Tuesday 1 December 2015

Slaying Five Giants

Freedom from want cannot be forced on a democracy or given to a democracy. It must be won by them. Winning it needs courage and faith and a sense of national unity: courage to face facts and difficulties and overcome them ; faith in our future and in the ideals of fair-play and freedom for which century after century our forefathers were prepared to die ; a sense of national unity overriding the interests of any class or section. 

The Plan for Social Security in this Report is submitted by one who believes that in this supreme crisis the British people will not be found wanting, of courage and faith and national unity, of material and spiritual power to play their part in achieving both social security and the victory of justice among nations upon which security depends.

Closing remarks of the Beveridge Report, published 1st December 1942. Created the modern welfare state in the UK.


  1. I just wanted to voice a message of solidarity with this fantastic website. The quality of your counter-factual histories is really quite astounding (your stories of a prolonged Labour rule under Callaghan and Healey really pluck at my Keynesian-Patriot heartstrings!!), and anyone prepared to post the 'Wisdom' of such disparate figures as G.W.B, Thatcher, Neil Kinnock and Tony Benn is worthy of praise.

    In short, keep it up and all the best!

    1. I don't know why Blogger has stopped telling me I get comments, so apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

      Thank you :) I'm glad it keeps some people amused/going at any rate! I have a lot more counter-factuals in the pipeline, it's just finding the time to finish them off that is tricky; just watch this space!
